Sunday, September 27, 2009

Newest New Moon Trailer!!

Can November please come faster!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


学要如金字塔, 要能广大要能高- 胡




学习是永无止境的, 必须持之以恒, 以一颗热心和坚强的毅力去面对,人生才会快乐。

考试是人生必经的阶梯, 为有靠勤、恒、勇、奋, 才能等于成功


是 “孩子在考试等于妈妈在考试病” 吧?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


孩子, PMR考试近在眉睫,加油!

在这里,妈赠送哈佛大学图书馆墙上的训言给你, 希望它能带给你一些感悟。

  • 此刻打盹, 你将做梦; 而此刻学习,你将圆梦。

  • 觉得为时已晚的时候,恰恰是最早的时候。

  • 学习的苦痛是暂时的, 未学到的痛苦是终生的。

  • 学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。

  • 请享受无法回避的痛苦。

  • 谁也不能随随便便的成功,它来自彻底的自我管理和毅力。

  • 时间在流逝。

  • 狗一样地学, 绅士一样地玩。

  • 今天不走,明天要跑。

  • 一天过完,不会再来。

  • 即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。

  • 没有艰辛,便无所获。

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Memorial Of Michael Jackson

It was a poignant and serene service.
I was devastated to see the casket being brought into the center.
The same stage where Michael Jackson had been rehearsing for his comeback concert.
It was really heart breaking to listen to his song, without him singing.
It was really tormenting to see his moves, without him leading the dancers.
Stevie Wonder summarized the thoughts of many, including myself when he said, "This is the moment I that I wish I didn't live to see come".

Some of the guests paid their tribute to Michael, and I would like to share what they said.

Berry Gordy (Motown founder):
He studied the greats, and became greater.
He raised the bar, and then broke the bar.
The more I talk about Michael Jackson, the more I feel the King Of Pop is not big enough for him. I think he is simply the greatest entertainer that ever lived

Stevie Wonder:
This is the moment that I wish I didn't live to see come. But as much as I can say that, and mean it, I do know that God is good. And I do know that as much as we may feel, and we do, that we need Michael here with us, God must have needed him far more.

Brooke Shields:
He was often referred to as the King. But the Micheal that I knew always reminded me more of a Little Prince. Thinking of him now, I would like to share a passage from a book. What moved me so deeply about this sleeping prince, is his loyalty to a flower, the image of a rose shining within him like a flame within a lamp, even when his was asleep. And I realised he was even more fragile than I had thought. Lamp must be protected. A gust of wind can blow them out. Michael's sensitivity was even more extraordinary than his talent. His true truth resided in his heart. As the Little Prince also said, eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart, what is most important is invisible. Michael saw everything with his heart.

Kobe Bryant:
We all know that nobody ever gave on stage like Michael Jackson. And Michael was also a true humanitarian who gave just as much off stage as he did on stage. Michael and his family came from humble roof. And Michael always cared very deeply to those in need. And beyond all his records that he broke as a recording artist, Michael even made to the Guinness Book of World Record for most charity supported by pop star.

Smokey Robinson:
I am a firm believer in blessings. And I have had so many many blessings in my life. One of my greatest blessings was I got the change to know the Jackson family, and to know Michael, and to see him. I am glad that I live in the era where I got the chance to see what everybody being kind of saying the greatest entertainer of all time. I'm glad that I live in this era.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee:
I come to thank you, for many people (critics) don't understand the hearts of entertainers. They don't know how big their hearts are. They don't know how they heal the world on behalf of America. When we are at war, our icon like Michael, sings about healing the world. And so he called us into public service, it did not matter whether we are black or white, he told us to beat it, beat the violence, and look at yourself in the mirror, because if you are going to make a different, look at the man or woman in the mirror.

Rev. Al Sharpton (The civil rights activist):
Every time he got knocked down, he got back up.
There wasn't nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with!

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson (11 year old daughter, first speaking publicly):
I just want to say .... Ever since I was born.... Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine..... And I just wanted to say I love him..... So much.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Remembering The Greatest Performer

Very sad to say that our children started to know you better on the day you were no longer with us.

I grew up with your songs.

Despite all the tabloid and what-not about you, I would like to remember you as in "We Are The World" and "Heal The World".

"We Are The World"

My personal favorite, "Heal the World", performed in 1993 XXVII Super Bowl during halftime show.

And another version of "Heal the World".

You deserve all the peace in your eternal life.

Thank you for sharing your talent with the entire world.

Your legacy will stand the test of time and we’ll always remember you as the :

Greatest artist

Ultimate musician

Passionate songwriter

Most extraordinary dancer

Tireless visionary

Master bold trendsetter

True humanitarian

May you rest in peace Michael Joseph Jackson.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My favorite photo

I always enjoy looking at this photo.

Look at the baby.

I really miss home. The children as well. The eldest has been asking when we can make a trip home.

I can only hope.

Can't materialise in the near future...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Father's Day

To the man that I have been living for more than 15 years:

You have been great in putting up with my temper tantrums.

You have been very supportive to most of my decisions.

You have been very patient to me and the kids.

Your soft-speaking nature really save our marriage and reduce the altercations.

You are working very hard to provide us everything, which more than needed.

You are a great husband, and for the children, you are a wonderful father..... they probably will understand you better when they are father then.

Thank you is a major under statement.

Go Crazy






看来,真的要像文中的一位老师看齐:把这一句贴在家里的墙壁上, 要发火时便看看墙上的“温馨提示”,希望能减少生气的次数。生气对健康有百害无一利,我希望自己少做“活火山”,做个“睡火山”还好吧!



Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wish List For New Moon

1. Stick to the book.
2. No more Bella's lullaby.
3. Faster pace please.
4. Go easy on Edward's make-up, especially the lipstick.
5. Edward's "in pain" look has to look less painful.
6. Editing need to be smoother, choppy in Twilight.

And last but most importantly,

4 hours movie please!

Can November please come faster!!

New Moon Trailer.... Yeah!!

Been waiting for a while....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

9, A Mysterious number

This piece of information is from my son. From his maths book. Kind of interesting.

It has nothing to do with Seven, one of my favorite movie directed by Bryan Singer.

9 is a mysterious number. Do you know 9 is hidden in the birthday of every notable person in the world, past or present?

Take George Washington, America's first President, who was born on the 22nd. February 1732. Let us write his birthday as the number 2221732. Now rearrange the digits of this number to obtain another number, say 3227212. Compute the difference of these 2 numbers by substracting the smaller from the larger, as follows:

3227212 -2221732=1005480

Add the digits of the resulting number until we get a single digit number. In our example, we have:

1005480=1+0+0+5+4+8+0 =18 =1+8 = 9

We obtain 9!

If you carry out the above calculatioins using the birthday of any other notable person in the world, you are going to get 9.

Try out, and have fun!

Does this suggest a certain mysterious relationship between the birthdays of all human beings? Hmm....

Friday, May 22, 2009

Han's School

Time really flies, isn't? He has been here since March 10, more than 2 months already.

The school, Times Academy, is in Kajang. It is about 30km 2 ways from my place.

This is the front view of the school. All the lecture and practical area are at the back.

This is the shop house that he stays. There are 10 of them in a lot, all classmates. So far not so much problem among them. They don't have to do cleaning themselves, thank god!
.... don't have to boil water.....

... and this is the washing area...

Last but not least, this is THE ONE and ONLY RM2 chicken rice!! Can you imagine? Not much meat there, but more than enough rice!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bad Habit

I would like to dedicate this to my dear sisters and my beloved children. I will translate them if I have the time.


人的行为受到品味、情感、偏见、欲望、爱、恐惧、环境和习惯的影响。 其中最大的影响就是习惯。

失败或成功, 最大的分野来自于不同的习惯。

电脑奇才Bill Gates 说过, 坏习惯一旦养成,就如枝蔓, 任你怎么除,也除不掉。


儿童是习惯形成和发展的关键。 好的习惯,让孩子终生受益;坏的习惯, 简直是饱尝痛苦。因此,要成人改掉坏习惯,比三岁小孩还难。

Napoleon 说得最妙。播下一个行动,你将收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯, 你将收获一种性格;播下一种性格, 你将收获一种命运。

人生快乐幸福或悲伤沮丧? 关乎性格,性格关乎习惯。


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wolverine Origins ....

I am not a comic fan. This is just my thought of the movie, so don’t shoot me.

The opening of the movie was really cool. It helped us to undertand the history between Wolverine and Sabertooth. It looked interesting enough for you to want to go on.

In overall, it is a DECENT movie. There are many fast-furious-fighting scenes. Other mutants have the chance to show off their weirdo abilities (only in a glimpse, probably should be more in order to show their personalities) while Wolverine other than ‘clawed’ through the whole movie, get the chance to impress us with his butt-naked scene.

I think there are some plot holes here and there. The reason of Col. Stryker became who he was rather pathetic and not convincing. Wolverine’s wife faked dead and while he cried over her body, somehow he did not notice that the blood was actually splashed on her by Sabertooth. Gee, so much so of TRUE LOVE. The wrestling scene between Wolverine and the Blob was really not entertaining and SAD.

Danny Houston as Col. Stryker was too plain as compared with Brian Cox (Col. Stryker in X2-X-Men United) and Sir Ian Mckellen (Magneto).

As of the director, I prefer Bryan Singer (X-Men and X2-X-Men United) , I think he is too totally terrific and a complete genius!

A little disappointed, probably because my expectation was too high.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Good rest today!

Happy Labor Day!

And also ... Wolverine, here we come!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Additional pictures from Ipoh

We went to Ipoh after Gua Tempurung.

Must try the Ipoh's famous bean sprout chickenrice. This was where Ah Niu 陈庆祥 shot his movie yesterday.

Also,we bought the salted chicken here...

There were so many boxes in the shop. It was not a dine-in restaurant, a take-out only. Boxes on the table, at the corner of the shop and even on the corridor outside the shop. Literally everywhere!

And I love the plastic bag. So red. So festive. If you can read the Chinese word, the name of the shop is really a mouthfull in Mandarin or Cantonese! 宴琼林!

Trip to Gua Tempurung

We have taken a day trip to Gua Tempurung in Perak. The drive itself was about 2 hours from KL via North South Highway and exit at Gopeng Exit.

Just look at the picture in the cave!!

Off course this was not taken by our pocket-sized camera.

Well, if you like to go there, be prepared. There are easy walkway and some flights of tougher steps. You need to be physically fit, NOT VERY, but-able-to-climb-200-steps-type-fit kind of things. Also, you need to have a very powerful torch (not the loser type) cause it was dark in there, even though it was lit. This is the one that you should not be kiasu about. If you are taking the river adventure tour, than be prepared with a change of clothing cause at some point you need to get on all fours and be soaked. Plus a MUCH MORE powerful torch, as you can't see your fingers in front of you face!

Some of the pictures that actually taken by our little camera....

.... stalactite and stalagmite....

There was a stream down there actually

My youngest said this was a creepy one...

.... another creepy one...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I always need to do something, occupy myself.
This is the new and latest project.
Here you go....

Where to start?
Let's see.....
Struggling to put up a unique layout.
Do not know what picture to put.
Have to go and dig out something... from the past!!