Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wolverine Origins ....

I am not a comic fan. This is just my thought of the movie, so don’t shoot me.

The opening of the movie was really cool. It helped us to undertand the history between Wolverine and Sabertooth. It looked interesting enough for you to want to go on.

In overall, it is a DECENT movie. There are many fast-furious-fighting scenes. Other mutants have the chance to show off their weirdo abilities (only in a glimpse, probably should be more in order to show their personalities) while Wolverine other than ‘clawed’ through the whole movie, get the chance to impress us with his butt-naked scene.

I think there are some plot holes here and there. The reason of Col. Stryker became who he was rather pathetic and not convincing. Wolverine’s wife faked dead and while he cried over her body, somehow he did not notice that the blood was actually splashed on her by Sabertooth. Gee, so much so of TRUE LOVE. The wrestling scene between Wolverine and the Blob was really not entertaining and SAD.

Danny Houston as Col. Stryker was too plain as compared with Brian Cox (Col. Stryker in X2-X-Men United) and Sir Ian Mckellen (Magneto).

As of the director, I prefer Bryan Singer (X-Men and X2-X-Men United) , I think he is too totally terrific and a complete genius!

A little disappointed, probably because my expectation was too high.

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