Friday, June 26, 2009

Remembering The Greatest Performer

Very sad to say that our children started to know you better on the day you were no longer with us.

I grew up with your songs.

Despite all the tabloid and what-not about you, I would like to remember you as in "We Are The World" and "Heal The World".

"We Are The World"

My personal favorite, "Heal the World", performed in 1993 XXVII Super Bowl during halftime show.

And another version of "Heal the World".

You deserve all the peace in your eternal life.

Thank you for sharing your talent with the entire world.

Your legacy will stand the test of time and we’ll always remember you as the :

Greatest artist

Ultimate musician

Passionate songwriter

Most extraordinary dancer

Tireless visionary

Master bold trendsetter

True humanitarian

May you rest in peace Michael Joseph Jackson.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My favorite photo

I always enjoy looking at this photo.

Look at the baby.

I really miss home. The children as well. The eldest has been asking when we can make a trip home.

I can only hope.

Can't materialise in the near future...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Father's Day

To the man that I have been living for more than 15 years:

You have been great in putting up with my temper tantrums.

You have been very supportive to most of my decisions.

You have been very patient to me and the kids.

Your soft-speaking nature really save our marriage and reduce the altercations.

You are working very hard to provide us everything, which more than needed.

You are a great husband, and for the children, you are a wonderful father..... they probably will understand you better when they are father then.

Thank you is a major under statement.

Go Crazy






看来,真的要像文中的一位老师看齐:把这一句贴在家里的墙壁上, 要发火时便看看墙上的“温馨提示”,希望能减少生气的次数。生气对健康有百害无一利,我希望自己少做“活火山”,做个“睡火山”还好吧!



Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wish List For New Moon

1. Stick to the book.
2. No more Bella's lullaby.
3. Faster pace please.
4. Go easy on Edward's make-up, especially the lipstick.
5. Edward's "in pain" look has to look less painful.
6. Editing need to be smoother, choppy in Twilight.

And last but most importantly,

4 hours movie please!

Can November please come faster!!

New Moon Trailer.... Yeah!!

Been waiting for a while....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

9, A Mysterious number

This piece of information is from my son. From his maths book. Kind of interesting.

It has nothing to do with Seven, one of my favorite movie directed by Bryan Singer.

9 is a mysterious number. Do you know 9 is hidden in the birthday of every notable person in the world, past or present?

Take George Washington, America's first President, who was born on the 22nd. February 1732. Let us write his birthday as the number 2221732. Now rearrange the digits of this number to obtain another number, say 3227212. Compute the difference of these 2 numbers by substracting the smaller from the larger, as follows:

3227212 -2221732=1005480

Add the digits of the resulting number until we get a single digit number. In our example, we have:

1005480=1+0+0+5+4+8+0 =18 =1+8 = 9

We obtain 9!

If you carry out the above calculatioins using the birthday of any other notable person in the world, you are going to get 9.

Try out, and have fun!

Does this suggest a certain mysterious relationship between the birthdays of all human beings? Hmm....