Monday, March 7, 2011


在我们的日常生活里, 可真少不了妥协。
特别是一个拥有三种角色的女人: 太太、母亲和媳妇。
善于妥协是一种智慧, 但拥有这所谓的智慧, 谈何容易呢?
近几年, 我也明白了一个道理:
很多时候, 妥协的一方不一定是错的那方

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This was a very precious picture.

It was taken at One Utama Shopping Mall in Damansara. If I was right, it was the first day of the Malay raya in 2009. It was a Monday. We took him there to check out the Raya's decor there. We had lunch at 笼的传人. No, I did not make a mistake, it was this 笼 instead of 龙.

We managed to take 3 pictures of him with our pocket sized camera. Than we found out that the camera was gone. Kaput.

This was one of them.

And it turned out that this was the last time that we saw him standing and talking. And also it was the last time that he talked to us.

He had a massive stroke 2 days later, i.e on 23 Sept 2009, around 4.30pm. It was a Wednesday. He was paralyzed on his right, not able to talk and bed ridden since then. Ryle's tube, catheter, medicine, physio, acupuncture, in and out hospital.......

He passed away on 20 February 2011 at 8.30am. A Sunday morning. He was 87 years old.

My children called him Tata, which meant grandpa in Hakka in his hometown 广东茶阳大埔.

