Saturday, January 29, 2011

Leo Messi and Mickey Mouse

One of Messi’s more popular photographs on the web, it was taken at Disney’s Wide World of Sports Complex in 2009.

Even Mickey Mouse is bowled over by Messi. Who’s next?

Saturday, January 22, 2011




她们一家人和我们共住祖家多年, 堂兄姐弟一起读书、玩乐。
可惜分家后就逐渐疏远, 特别是我们这一代。

不记得最后一次见到她是什么时候, 但见她最后一面..........

妈因脚不方便而没来瞻仰您, 希望您别怪妈, 但妈真的好伤心, 电话上也哽咽的说不上话。


Monday, January 10, 2011

No Shouting

Once a professor asked his students:"Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?" The students thought for a while before one of them said:" We shout because we lose our calm."

"But why shout when the other person is just next to you? Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice?"

The students gave various answers, none of which satisfied the professor.

Finally he explained:" When two people are angry with each other, their hearts distance. To cover the distance they mush shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the louder they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance."

Then he asked:" What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly. Why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small.

"When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak- they only whisper and get closer to each other in their love.

"Finally they do not even need to whisper. They only look at each other, that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other."

So, when you argue, do not let your hearts get distant or say words that distance each other even more, or there may come a day when distance is so great you will not find the path back to each other.

The internet has become a wonderful medium for passing around heart-warming or thought-provoking stories like this tale. Most claim to be true or based on fact. Even if they are hard to verify, the messages they carry are worth sharing.

Friday, January 7, 2011


美国教育看重“想”, 中国教育看重“听”;
美国学生主动学习, 中国学生被动学习;
美国教育以学生为中心, 中国教育以老师为中心;
美国教育重视课外阅读, 中国教育重视课本教学;
美国教育看重学生的创新能力, 中国教育却看重学生的考试能力。

中国著名教育家陶宏开教授, 曾经就美国教育和中国家作出比较, 结果发现以上的不同。