Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Memorial Of Michael Jackson

It was a poignant and serene service.
I was devastated to see the casket being brought into the center.
The same stage where Michael Jackson had been rehearsing for his comeback concert.
It was really heart breaking to listen to his song, without him singing.
It was really tormenting to see his moves, without him leading the dancers.
Stevie Wonder summarized the thoughts of many, including myself when he said, "This is the moment I that I wish I didn't live to see come".

Some of the guests paid their tribute to Michael, and I would like to share what they said.

Berry Gordy (Motown founder):
He studied the greats, and became greater.
He raised the bar, and then broke the bar.
The more I talk about Michael Jackson, the more I feel the King Of Pop is not big enough for him. I think he is simply the greatest entertainer that ever lived

Stevie Wonder:
This is the moment that I wish I didn't live to see come. But as much as I can say that, and mean it, I do know that God is good. And I do know that as much as we may feel, and we do, that we need Michael here with us, God must have needed him far more.

Brooke Shields:
He was often referred to as the King. But the Micheal that I knew always reminded me more of a Little Prince. Thinking of him now, I would like to share a passage from a book. What moved me so deeply about this sleeping prince, is his loyalty to a flower, the image of a rose shining within him like a flame within a lamp, even when his was asleep. And I realised he was even more fragile than I had thought. Lamp must be protected. A gust of wind can blow them out. Michael's sensitivity was even more extraordinary than his talent. His true truth resided in his heart. As the Little Prince also said, eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart, what is most important is invisible. Michael saw everything with his heart.

Kobe Bryant:
We all know that nobody ever gave on stage like Michael Jackson. And Michael was also a true humanitarian who gave just as much off stage as he did on stage. Michael and his family came from humble roof. And Michael always cared very deeply to those in need. And beyond all his records that he broke as a recording artist, Michael even made to the Guinness Book of World Record for most charity supported by pop star.

Smokey Robinson:
I am a firm believer in blessings. And I have had so many many blessings in my life. One of my greatest blessings was I got the change to know the Jackson family, and to know Michael, and to see him. I am glad that I live in the era where I got the chance to see what everybody being kind of saying the greatest entertainer of all time. I'm glad that I live in this era.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee:
I come to thank you, for many people (critics) don't understand the hearts of entertainers. They don't know how big their hearts are. They don't know how they heal the world on behalf of America. When we are at war, our icon like Michael, sings about healing the world. And so he called us into public service, it did not matter whether we are black or white, he told us to beat it, beat the violence, and look at yourself in the mirror, because if you are going to make a different, look at the man or woman in the mirror.

Rev. Al Sharpton (The civil rights activist):
Every time he got knocked down, he got back up.
There wasn't nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with!

Paris Michael Katherine Jackson (11 year old daughter, first speaking publicly):
I just want to say .... Ever since I was born.... Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine..... And I just wanted to say I love him..... So much.