Thursday, April 30, 2009

Additional pictures from Ipoh

We went to Ipoh after Gua Tempurung.

Must try the Ipoh's famous bean sprout chickenrice. This was where Ah Niu 陈庆祥 shot his movie yesterday.

Also,we bought the salted chicken here...

There were so many boxes in the shop. It was not a dine-in restaurant, a take-out only. Boxes on the table, at the corner of the shop and even on the corridor outside the shop. Literally everywhere!

And I love the plastic bag. So red. So festive. If you can read the Chinese word, the name of the shop is really a mouthfull in Mandarin or Cantonese! 宴琼林!

Trip to Gua Tempurung

We have taken a day trip to Gua Tempurung in Perak. The drive itself was about 2 hours from KL via North South Highway and exit at Gopeng Exit.

Just look at the picture in the cave!!

Off course this was not taken by our pocket-sized camera.

Well, if you like to go there, be prepared. There are easy walkway and some flights of tougher steps. You need to be physically fit, NOT VERY, but-able-to-climb-200-steps-type-fit kind of things. Also, you need to have a very powerful torch (not the loser type) cause it was dark in there, even though it was lit. This is the one that you should not be kiasu about. If you are taking the river adventure tour, than be prepared with a change of clothing cause at some point you need to get on all fours and be soaked. Plus a MUCH MORE powerful torch, as you can't see your fingers in front of you face!

Some of the pictures that actually taken by our little camera....

.... stalactite and stalagmite....

There was a stream down there actually

My youngest said this was a creepy one...

.... another creepy one...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I always need to do something, occupy myself.
This is the new and latest project.
Here you go....

Where to start?
Let's see.....
Struggling to put up a unique layout.
Do not know what picture to put.
Have to go and dig out something... from the past!!